= Support Mental Health: The repetitive words of a sad mind

Sunday 7 August 2016

The repetitive words of a sad mind

We get Tired of our minds, a mind that is burnt out, like an engine that's done too many miles
We tend to repeat this a lot, we say it over and over some times daily, sadly we tend to say it too much
a habit forms from the cluster of different ways of putting "I'm tired,
some fall and sadly lose to a manic world of illness.
This is because there isn't enough help out there for people like me or millions of other silent sufferers
Please make a difference, if you see some one in the street having a panic attack?, help them
if you see someone who has lost there way?, help them home.
ways of understanding one with mental illness is to research.

we get lost quite a lot, behind closed doors, unseen because we fear going out.
the fear of us not fitting in is at the front of our minds
unsettling thoughts that are stronger than a tree
if you see me or any other being, ask us if we are OK
it maybe a silent answer by giving a look
but we are there with the pain we carry

we search for answers we search for relief, but sometimes we miss the point as we are lost;
lost inside, trapped by bars
a mental prison is our home
just like a house is yours 

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