= Support Mental Health

Sunday 7 August 2016

Frustration of the mind and body

Why have i got this room in my head, a room just for me, a system put together to frustrate me; seeing no other around, me being alone, no TV no Internet no life, just a room, empty.

pictures hanging on the wall, scared to look, fearing they are my bad memories, i sit in the center with my eyes closed but a voice torments, its good at its game. having no clue how to put a plan together my self to over come, no door no escape. The voice feels like there is a million speakers mounted around the room amplifying the sound of torment, my body is full of adrenaline like I'm in fight mode but there is no one to fight, heart is tired of beating a battle, a puppet on a string getting controlled, my nervous system is about to explode from the over working of frustration.

is it a new day? i don't know as there isn't any windows. Why isn't there anyone there to help, to say the right words to save me, to make me listen. that voice torments me with the words bad news, bad news has latched onto a fear i cannot control, a wall a 1000miles high surrounding me, feels like they are getting taller. looking for a ladder or a rope to climb out, i evaluate the 1000 mile wall? i have no strength to climb, my mind doubting every thought, sitting there waiting for the comedown but the voice is over powering me.

like a car stuck in the mud waiting for a tow truck to come and rescue? but there isn't anyone coming, no one there. feels like the universe is on me, around me.where am i going? am i moving? walking?
it was just a dream that wasnt real, I'm still here full of frustration, i fight back! back at the voice that torments me, screaming with saliva flinging across the room from my mouth, veins popping out all over my head, am i the monster? mind doubts me again, is that a good thing that it is doubting that thought? well i start to evaluate? its him! that voice that is all around me! crazy? i don't know? surrounded by crazy frustration, tempers high! i go to move but i get pulled back? i look at my wrists and see chains, i see hand cuffs; i pull the chains and see there attached to the walls, a branch formation. a thought follows by a surge that travels down the chains, sort of like a neurotransmitter in the brain,

the darkness grows while lights flash, the flash reveals faces, i try to see who they are but i can't see them long enough to recognise, coming at me, scared full of fear, my body is sweating, shaking with my chest pressing down on me, i feel like i am dying, but nothing follows, no action from the fear.

This Frustration Is never going to end........

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