= Support Mental Health

Thursday 11 August 2016

How to Cure Anxiety Nausea

In the case of nausea from anxiety, the nausea itself isn't dangerous and unlikely to be indicative of a health problem. Instead, to control your nausea, you need to control your anxiety. Chances are your body is experiencing a great deal of stress from your daily, persistent anxiety.
Several strategies for fighting anxiety include:
  • Jogging Jogging is a powerful tool for fighting anxiety. It tires your muscles, which relax the amount of stress that your muscles put on digestion, and it releases endorphins: "feel good" neurotransmitters that improve mood. It also regulates hormones and depletes adrenaline, which can help control anxiety.
  • Herbal Supplements You cannot and should not take any medication without a doctor's supervision. Herbal supplements provide a natural alternative to many prescription medications, and may be free of side effects. For adults, Valerian root, Passionflower, and Kava may be effective. For children or pregnant women, it's best to talk with a doctor/nutritionist.
  • Deep Breathing Deep breathing is one of several stress reduction techniques that are effective for controlling current stress. Deep breathing involves taking slow, controlled breaths in order to get your heart and mind under control. One method is to sit in a chair and breathe in slowly through your nose for 5 seconds (filling your stomach first), holding for 4 seconds, and then breathing out through pursed lips slowly (7 seconds is ideal). Repeat 10 times. Other relaxation techniques include progressive muscle relaxation and visualization.
  • Light and Healthy Eating Your nutrition doesn't necessarily effect your anxiety nausea. But it can affect the severity of the nausea. Heavy, fattening, unhealthy meals tend to lead to more nausea than healthy meals. However, make sure you eat. An empty stomach can lead to more nausea than a full stomach when you suffer from anxiety.
  • Drink Water Like healthy eating, water can help keep your body nourished without any ingredients that exacerbate your upset stomach. In addition, it's not uncommon for dehydration to lead to more anxiety, so drinking water can actually be its own anxiety treatment.
  • OTC Medicines Tums, peppermint, and Pepto-Bismol may also provide temporary relief for anxiety related nausea. They can be used for nausea that occurs on rare occasion, but should not be used by those that experience regular, persistent nausea from anxiety.
These are all quick strategies to reduce anxiety nausea. However, fighting anxiety is a long term issue. If you experience a great deal of anxiety at home, at work, at school, or in social situations, then you need to learn effective solutions for controlling that anxiety. Once your anxiety is controlled, the nausea will decrease.

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