= Support Mental Health

Wednesday 10 August 2016

A man with Bi-pola

A man with Bi-pola, on any day given a split between angry, sad and unhinged but with his kind side that cares dearly, is ruined with the transition of  both sides swapping when it pleases.

the stress that whirls round on the outside effects us in ways not many understand, a silly conversation that hits the nerve, its hits the spot; That triggers Mr Bi-pola.
A burning feeling from the chest to the gut that manifests in our minds, frustration building, running a mock finding its way to our anger zone, blood boils in ways that a normal person cannot imagine.
A feeling of fear of what we may do, what Bi-pola will cause.

People judging our actions that we cannot control, a fear of a judge burning at our soul.
We wake up with out a choice, a choice of who we will be on that day that arise,
crying rivers but crying anger, a scared feeling of what we are after, with out control with out a choice, we try to manage us from that activation, just like a switch, a sense of humour that a "normal" person does simply not understand.

Some times we hide, hide from life and we try most of all to hide from our true selves, a transition that makes us overwhelmed. A task that is huge, a task that is great, a feeling like we take on the world. faces that look in the wrong way stays in our minds, a stress from another makes us blind, blind from the fact that the stress is there's , we struggle to understand that its not ours, we take on board everything that is said while taking parts out and placing them in our head, they don't understand what we may be, what we shall be on any given day. i maybe calm and show love, those days we all love.

our belongings are slim, with a slim chance that they may never be, we want whats best, but Bi-pola doesn't, it takes away our pride and takes away our belongings, we smash them and throw them, we sit and we cry, but the simplest understanding to leave us be is never near by, the interaction while facing transition is a combination of nasty language and manic actions, we think why not leave me be, leave me be so i can change, just like the weather we can go ether way, we fear our minds on that given day.

So on this day just leave me be, so i can find the door to me, me as in me that cares and loves, loves deeply and impossible to be carefree.

A man with Bi-pola.

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