= Support Mental Health

Saturday 27 August 2016


I feel so down and ever so low, maybe one day my mind will show, show the destruction that is with in, some one save me, my mind is broke my mind is hell, owe why can't it shut up, please be quiet is all i ask, instead it runs a mock like a bull in a shop, when will it end? when will it stop? am i really loosing the plot? you see me smile but only for you, the tears that flood are deep with in, it burns my chest and burns my throat, a feeling trapped that's deep inside.

Feelings so close that sit with in, an feeling of doubt that i cannot win, please mind please work with me, but only against me is why i never win, i shout and scream and shout so loud, get out of my head but it never hears what i have said, a mind with no ears call me a mute, a man with no voice is what i think, a man who doesn't feel like a man, a  man that is impowered by depression, mental illness, i doubt in my self and a doubt in my future, i pray them my self can heal, be free from this cloud over my head, i'm so upset from the words that i have said.

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