= Support Mental Health

Friday 19 August 2016

Pregabalin Addiction 

The trust i put in my doctor is an understatement, my views of his way of keeping me in his best interests was great, meds after meds i felt like a pill popping machine, masked by synthetics feeling like i could take on the world, stand on the highest peak and shake the ground with my voice, my thoughts about the doctor became clear, medicine companies employ the doctors and he never had me in my best interests.

February 6th 2016

Pregabalin came to my hands "a wonder drug; or so i though, nothing but hell after the first two months, now i find my self living in a world of miss belief a fake world of imagination that is nothing but manic, a maniac is what he has made, now i find my self eating them like they are going out of fashion, a full strip over a 1000mg, they don't work but my body needs them so i feed its addiction, a feeling that i am trapped in this relic of mystery a place of euphoria, a wonder drug they say!?

I miss a dose and feel sick, my anxiety plagues me daily, because of Pregabalin, i hate my doctor i hate him with a passion. I want to be free of this drug free from the doctor. i listen to people praying this med like it is a life saver, a way out from the pain, its not and i laugh, calculate your dosage and the duration it will last "work, by the time you build up that intolerance it will be a dosage change, to a higher state of loopyness feeling bloated, sick and in more pain and anxiety than you started off with, my eyes burn, me hearing and eye sight has gone.

August 20th 2016,

My life is ruined, fully abusing these meds because i have got to that point where i have no control
over it, when my body needs them i have to keep taking them until the pain is gone, the messed up stomach and the feeling of huge rage, my life id ruined, i see my doctor and he tells the lies, the lies that they are helping me, this makes me even more angry.
my heart feels like its about to give up, my liver hurts to a point that you cannot even touch my skin,
i have no willpower to kick the habit, my life is over run with synthetics and i want my life back!

never trust a doctor, doctors have ruined my life, pregabalin has ruined my life!

The End

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