= Support Mental Health

Sunday 23 October 2016

A lonely old self who needs a friend!

Friends? i wish i had friends,,, popular? not really.
i wish i had the confidence to walk up to some one and make friends, to be that friend that everyone talks about in a good way!
i don't want to go though many years of hassle and nonsense due to the lack of loyalty of fake friends.

i want to have a phone with a phone book that is full, friends that i can trust and rely on when I'm in need of a bit of help?

but no i have none of that not even one friend that i can say that they are into being my friend and wanting to know me, i wish i could have a conversation to another instead of typing away on here.

to all who have friends?,,, i want you to be loyal to them, care about them and enjoy them! friends are hard to come by when you haven't the confidence to get out there or you have such conditions that hold you back etc.

hope all is well to who ever reads this, be well, and stay well!

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